Tag Archives: messages

“The Soul Always Finds A Way”



My soul always finds a way to talk to me. If not through the written dialogue I have with it, then through something that stirs my heart. Of course, there’s always the ones that come from a sermon or great speech, and who can deny the word of god when he speaks to us through the bible. However, I find the most powerful ones come from the unexpected places like the profound words of a friend or something I’m reading totally unrelated to anything. They’re simple words or statements that jump out at me like a neon sign. It is my soul getting a word in edgewise, anyway it can.

In the past week, two statements did such a thing, and when I put them together they created a beautiful message to live by. The first simple noted the words out of a sentence, “The ease of Grace.” It reminded me of a well-oiled clock running smoothly as each mechanism glides together as it was created to do. That’s how life works when we’re not trying to wind the clock in the wrong direction.

The second part came after I made the comment, “I’m good for something,” and my friend says, “You’re good for a lot more then you realize.” Today, the words from a sentence jumped out at me again, “Be who you are here to be.”

“Okay, okay, I get the message, Soul.”

To be

who you are here to be,

appricate first who are,

and the ease of grace

will follow

flowing gently

through the soul

that you are.


“What’s Your Message”


What kind of messages are oozing from you?

Just like body order, we each have our own unique smell about us. If we don’t keep ourselves clean that smell can become foul, disgusting or even offensive. In the same respect the thoughts we entertain and attitudes we live by become the messages that tell others…this is who I am…this is what I believe…this is what I think about. What you see is what you get, because the truth is what others see is what we show them. 

So the question becomes what kind of message am I expressing, and most important is that message reflicting my true-self?

“The Message Of The Raindrop”


I’m sitting in front of my big bay window on this rainy morning. It’s one of my favorite places to sit especially when I can’t be outside. One might look out and only see what’s in front of them a bird-feeder, trellis, flower garden, holly trees, lawn and the church up on the hill that sits right across the street. It’s a picture all our own. But I always look for something new I haven’t seen before, and I ask God this morning, what is it that you want to show me today.

IMG_2921 (Edited)

There it is a raindrop hanging from a leaf. I’m reminded that this one little raindrop is part of something much bigger than it looks. It’s an individual expression of the ocean from which it comes. Nature’s own reality show, and it’s playing right outside my window. But just as there is more to see then what meets the eye. I have to look within to get the deeper message. Just as the rain drop is a part of something much bigger then itself, so am I, and just as the raindrop has a purpose, so do I, and just as the raindrop is an expression of that from which it comes, so am I.

So just as the raindrop came to express its message to me today, I extend it to you.