Monthly Archives: May 2019

The Gift of Moments


What a beautiful day. I sat on the deck this morning. As I quiet myself for my devotional time, I hear the various birds chirping from every direction. I realize how much I take them for granted. I hear them everyday, but not really hearing them at all most of the time. Today though, it sounded like music, setting the tone of my daily ritual.

Taking in more of natures gifts, I smell the lavender in my garden, adding to my relaxing peaceful moment. Than I take notice of my curly willow tree and how fast it’s grown in just a few years. It looks like messy head of hair all knotted and tangled. The real beauty of this tree lies beneath its leaves. I don’t care that it’s not the greatest looking tree. It provides the privacy we want, and I know the beauty that lies beneath the leaves. A work of art to look forward to in the dead of winter. I’m reminded of how nature always has a way of teaching us the lessons of life.

I did my daily reading, prayer and meditation. However, nothing spoke as profoundly to me as being in the moment among Gods creations giving all I heard, saw and smelled the recognition each deserves. And I am left with a sense grace and gratitude.

Letting Go is Hard To Do


Photo from

It’s that time of year when birds build their nest tend to their new families with great devotion than suddenly push the matured baby’s out of the nest. How does it know to fly or where to find food and shelter?

Its also the time of year when graduations take place and parents begin their own process of letting go.

No one ever told me how hard it was going to be. Its almost like going through the stages of grief. If you think about it, that makes sense because it is the end of a way of life for both child & parent.

How wonderful nature is in teaching us the process of letting go. How could a bird every learn to fly it didn’t take that first leap? And what if the parents held them back protecting them from all the things that could go wrong?

How will they ever learn if we don’t let go? Its the one time in your life when you feel the most determination to hang on but in the end its the most courageous thing you can do to teach them how to fly on their own.