Category Archives: legacy

Day 247: The Value of Your Legacy


“The greatest legacy anyone can leave behind is to positively impact the lives of others. Whenever you add value to other people’s lives, you are unknowingly leaving footprints on the sand of time that lives on, even after your demise.”

~Emeasoba George

Have you ever stopped to think about what you’d like your legacy to be? I’m not talking about the material things you will leave behind. I’m talking about the kind of legacy that speaks for how you lived your life and the difference it makes in others’ lives.

I want to be remembered as “She who never gives up!” That’s the first thing that comes to mind. Because even when at first it seemed like I was giving up, I always found a better way to move forward. Maybe I want to be remembered as “She who lived her truth.” My true self helped me to see what I was capable of doing and to not settle for less than what I could be, no matter how hard it was at the time. It was “She who was not perfect,” who could admit her imperfections and wrongdoings who asked humbly for forgiveness. It was “She who loved God,” who wanted to share that love with others. It was “She who was optimist,” who wanted to spread what optimism had to offer. Maybe the most significant legacy I could leave behind is the one that tells the story of “She who went through hell” and didn’t want it to be for nothing, so she let it make her into “She who became a survivor,” so that you could know that you could be one too.

Reflection: Wow! I don’t know what I’m going to write when I begin these posts, but I just wrote the kind of legacy I hope I can continue to live up to. It’s just another reason I’m grateful for the one a day values that teach me something new about myself every day.