Category Archives: Politics

Day 221: The Value of Presence


“Presence is more then just being there.”

Malcolm Forbes

I was in the presence of a friend a few weeks ago. We have been friends for almost 50 years. We share a lot of great memories. We have always gotten along, but like all people, we have our difference too. We can go months without seeing each other, yet when we get together, it’s as if we haven’t been apart at all. Yet, these past few years have put a strain on all of us as we face these troubling times of political divide as well as the fears of a pandemic that won’t go away. If we can’t talk to our friends about our concerns, then with whom we can speak? These issues are dividing our families as well as our friendships.

As I started out saying I was in the presence of my friend. Presence is the critical value we are talking about here. We did start talking about the issues, but cautiously, knowing we had our differences on the subjects. Wanting and needing to understand where we were both coming from meant we needed to be fully present to each other. At the end of our conversation, my friend said, why can’t other people have these kinds of conversations the way we do. I realize now that it was because we were fully present to each other. To tune into each other that way, we had to lay down our pride and egos. The only way to wipe out indifference is to let love overcome what hate tries to divide.

Reflection: A good practice for bringing God’s presence into my life is to think of every face I see as the face of God looking back at me.

Day 25: The Value of Facts


Fact is not a value, but I do value what facts have to offer that helps me get to truth of the things I choose to believe. I wonder if it’s ever ok to take things at face value? The Bible is the word of God. We take that at face value, but we don’t take it literally or none of us would have any eyes left to see with for we would have plucked them out and thrown them away as the Bible tells us so.

This reminds me of a time back in the ’70s when I asked the priest at my church if I could start a Bible study. He said, oh, you can’t do that. You need a priest to interpret the Bible for you. He sincerely took what he believed at face value because that’s what he was taught to believe. But, I decided to do it anyway. If I had taken what he said at face value I would have never learned what the Bible had to teach me that added to the value of faith it brought into my life.

I don’t believe I was created to tell you how you should live your life. I think our actions speak louder than words. The way we live, the things we say all contribute to our character or distract from it. Have you ever been called out for the things you state and find yourself suddenly speechless when asked where you got your information from? How can anyone of faith think it’s alright to bash another person’s reputation no matter what the situation is? It was Jesus who said, only the person who is without sin can cast the first stone. Did you ever stop to realize that Jesus didn’t pick a stone up either? Some people do bad things and then some people make mistakes. But who are we to judge what is in the heart of another or why they do the things they do. Maybe what we think we know is actually not true.

We have rules for law and order when someone does something unlawful. How law and order are determined is through our judicial system that considers facts. The accused is always given the benefit of the doubt. They are innocent until proven guilty. That’s the value of facts

Reflection: I am grateful to realize the responsibility I have to all my fellow human beings. To “not” take the judgment of another into my own hands, but always pray for the guidance that leads to truth.

Fight Fire with Fire and “VOTE”



“From a little spark may burst a mighty flame.” -David Alighieri

Our thoughts come as quick as the strike of a match, and without paying much attention the thought it ignites…can warm our house or burn it down.

When we strike the match of fear, mindfulness gives us the opportunity to blow it out before that fear turns into a mighty flame of anxiety and stress.

That little spark of fear has been ignited under our country and it’s burst into a mighty flame. It’s burning away our hope and we’re feeding the flame with our own logs of fear.

Some of us keep throwing our buckets of hope on the fire trying to put the flame of fear out. It’s as exhausting as the firefighter who works hard to put a forest fire out. When it gets that out of control you have to fight fire with fire to keep it from going any further, meeting somewhere in the middle.

Right now voting is the only way we have to fight this flame of fear burning. If you don’t want to vote because you think it doesn’t matter than you’re ignoring the very fire that will eventually affect you. If you don’t know who to vote for simply go inside yourself deep down into your soul and ask for guidance. Which vote will contribute to the fire of fear and which one will help us to find a place closer to the middle where it can begin to burn out.



”My Prayer”


This morning as I tuned into the Today show Al Roker made the most torturous looking face when reminded that today is the beginning of the 2020 presidential election. I turned it off feeling the same unpleasant feelings that Al’s face portrayed.

Sitting in the quiet with my cup of coffee felt as blinding as the sunlight did after all this ran.

It felt like a much needed rude awakening, and I went into prayer:

”Hi God! It’s me! Do you remember me? Cause I was kind of hoping you could remind me who I am and what I’m here for.”

”Hi Connie! It’s God! Can you hear me cause I’ve been trying to get your attention but you’ve been kind of preoccupied lately.

-I’ve been trying to tell you to untether yourself from fear.

-To speak your truth, than let it go.

-That there is always hope as long as you’re living.

-To respect the uniqueness of each individual because as different as I created you each to be there is purpose in what each soul has to offer.

-Be mindful of what you think, say, do and eat.

-Remember the gifts I give you are the same I give everyone else freedom, choice and above all else love.

-Who you are is an expression of that from which you were created.

-Your soul’s purpose is to experience life right where you are and to be a living expression of that truth from which you come.

-Finally stop making things harder than they actually are, let go and let yourself…be.”

“Be The Change You Want To See”


holding childs hand 

I’m not one to voice my opinion much about the things that go on in our country. I don’t like getting into political confrontations with people because everybody’s right and nobodies wrong, and nothing seems to change for the better. I am neither republican, democrat or independent. I vote as a non-partisan, but I don’t like being labeled. So, let’s just say I’m me. I try take everything I understand into consideration. Then I pray about it, because if decide anything without a God conscious mind all that I know to be good and right goes out the window. The things that we know to be true and right exist within every one of us. It doesn’t take rocket science to tap into it. All we have to do is get out of our own way. Push our pride aside and do what’s right. Do something because our children and grandchildren are dying because nothing is changing.

I didn’t always agree with what my Dad believed, but the one thing I admired about him was that he voiced his opinion to his representatives. He wrote letters about what he thought was right or wrong because he believed what he had to say was important enough to be heard. He was so passionate about it that he wrote with carbon paper so he’d have a copy of what he wrote to follow-up with. Today it couldn’t be any easier for us. All we have to do is look up our representatives on the internet and write a few lines to voice our own opinion. As a matter of fact, they prefer that to a letter. We need to do something, and we need to do it now. So, I encourage everyone reading this to take a few moments to consider what you think the right solution is to all these school shootings. Then write your representatives and voicings your opinion because that’s what they’re there for…to represent us. If they’re not, then let them know they won’t get your vote in the next election. Let’s take back the power that we’ve been investing in them.

Okay! I said enough. I’m getting a glass a wine. Than I’m sitting down to put my own words into action…I’m write my representatives now. I hope you will join me.



“Finding The Rightness within Right”



“Being “right” is the easy part. Finding the “rightness” within the opposite point of view is the challenge.” -Barry Johnson “Polarity Management”

I read this quote and thought of all the controversy and rhetoric that so many of us were caught-up in just a month or so ago. I don’t know about you but I’ve taking a step back lately needing to catch my breath and move onto healthier hopeful positive things that bring some goodness back into my life. It’s created some wedges between me and some of the people I care about. I find it’s unfortunate because it’s behind the wall of the internet that so many things have been said, misunderstood, taking out of context and assumed without the advantage and respect of a face to face conversation. Body language and facial expression play a big part in expression our passions. But more than that don’t we owe at least the benefit of the doubt to those we loved and cherished for so many other reasons that go beyond politics?

I looked at the front page of the Lancaster newspaper today. Jeff Hawkes a reporter for the LNP had a perfect article called the “Bridge Tables” to go with the thought provoking quote above. It’s about a way of bringing people of different political views together in a way that they can discuss their differences in a respectful way with nothing between them except the table they sit at. The event is called the Left/Right Café and the premise behind it is to heal America’s political divide. The organizers Eric Sauder and Jamie Beth Schindler’s idea is for liberals and conservatives to come together for a respectful conversation getting past stereotypes and broadening understanding in a safe comfortable environment. Breaking bread and sharing food often has a way of bringing people together in a non- threating way. The hope is to find some understanding and a place of common ground, and from the article it appears that’s what these willing conversations did. It opened each other’s eyes that sometimes what is right to us is not so different from what the other persons believes, but even if it’s not giving one a chance to explain themselves can allow us to better agree to disagree. And who knows maybe we’d learn a fact or two that holds some truth within it giving us a chance to broaden our perspective on beliefs.

For local readers, I’ll pass on that if you want to know more you can contact Jamie Beth Shchindler at


“Miracles Of Life”


Today as I begin my meditation I’m giving a quote by Albert Einstin to ponder, “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

A few weeks ago a friend read a quote to me by Napoleon Hill, “In your search for the secret of the method, do not look for a miracle, because you will not find it. You will find only the eternal laws of nature.”

I realized that sometimes I get so caught up in how to make the miracles in my life happen that I actually miss the miricles there are to see. I think to myself often that I know how to do what I need to in order to get from here to there. However, in the process of doing things the way I think I should, I miss out on all there is to see in between where the miricles actually exist.

“So, What Are You Good At”



“Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing.” -Quincy Jones

Trump makes the statement that his new administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. Imagine what a harmonious country we’d have if only we could believe it was true. Running like a fine-tuned machine is a great example of what the summation of Quincy Jones quote amounts to. Every single person, both young and old sharing a little of what they are good at doing. The key word here is, doing.

I was recently in a conversation with two of my longtime friends. We each have a different political standing, but after a short but effective conversation we all three came to the same conclusion, that we all need to bring it home. Another word on a level in which we can make a difference on a smaller more manageable scale. Each one of us sharing a little of what we are good at doing. Add our passion for what we believe and the openness to listen to each other allows us to take what resonates with us, and leave the rest behind. Just like my two friends and I did. It was about finding a common ground respecting each other’s belief’s, and keeping our friendship in harmony, without putting a wedge between us.

It’s easy enough to talk the talk, but walking the walk is putting the talk into action.

So, what are you good at, and how can you use it to create harmony instead of discord between one another. You don’t have to run for president or do anything outstanding. All you must be is who you are, and offer to the world around you what you are good at doing.

Be the example in the world you want to see!

“Oh Dear What Can I Do?”


Even lady liberty is frustrated with our country and it’s political system. 

Maybe she’s simple embarrassed to be seen as the first symbol of freedom and justice for all?

Maybe she’s irritated with the two candidates running for president who don’t represent the county she has stood many years for?

Maybe she feels like the country she’s come to represent is falling apart?

Maybe right now she represents how we all feel?