Tag Archives: excitment

“Lucy The Flying Dog”


Is it a bird! It’s a plane! No…it’s Lucy!

As I said in my last post entrée the thing I love most about my new family is making them happy. I’m learning that sometimes I can do things on purpose to make them laugh, and sometimes I make them laugh just by being me. Like this morning when I took a leap off the deck. I got a good run going around the deck first picking up speed then jumped, flying a few feet in the air. Now you have to I envision it in slow motion to appreciate the moment of my experience. Once I jumped I felt light as a feather, my hair blew back out of my eyes and I could see clearly certain things I couldn’t when I’m grounded. I mean just because I have all four paws on the ground doesn’t mean I can see and experience all there is in this new world I live in. I’m learning that there’s much more to see and feel than what meets the eyes alone. Things like humans laughing. I wonder where does it come from inside them? It’s catching and has a way of touching me inside that makes me happy and playful. I can’t burst out laughing like my people but I can express how it makes me feel inside with my actions.

Look how much fun I have with my Tom making both my Connie and him laugh.

Till next time,

Love Lucy!