”Simple Be!”


”Comparing is the thief of joy.” -Theodore Roosevelt

What a powerful statement!

It’s so easy to get caught up in the limelight of your successes. Comparing is ok if you are looking for ways to get ahead. I keep looking into marketing ideas for my book to learn how to do it right. But there is a time to learn, a time to do, and ”simple be!”

As I sit here writing this the sun is shining through our big bay window. My Lucy dog knows how to bask in the joy of the light. And I am grateful for this moment of Grace that brings me back to the blessings that are right in front of me.

A new day, sunshine, Tom by my side, good health, progressive recovery, and my sweet Lucy dog who reminds me to stop and be in the light of the world!

About Author

Connie calls herself an autodidact writer. The word autodidact is as impressive as the time it takes to teach yourself how to master a craft. Auto means "self" and "didact" comes from the Greek word for "teach." Connie learned by reading, taking home study courses, and creative writing workshops. She talked, practiced and shared with other writers who encouraged her to write her story because it was too important, not to tell. Connie has three blogs, one sharing spiritual thoughts, another on aging gracefully, and the other her author site. She is so passionate about writing that she gets up every day at 5:00 am and writes for 2hours. She's a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Her hobbies are genealogy, lots of crafts, too many to mention. If you ask Connie what the greatest accomplishment of her life has been? She'll tell you it's the life she created by believing in something better, "The Promise!"

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