Tag Archives: expect

Day 51: The Value of Expectation


What is the difference between expectancy and hope? That was the first thought I had as I attempted to write about the value of expectation. I was surprised to see my exact question with many explanations to read from.

My conclusion was that expectation is the end result. Hope is an all-encompassing process.

I don’t expect you to love me, like me or hate me. But I hope you do love and like me because you have the desire in your heart to do so. I do not like putting my expectations on other people. It just sets me up for disappointment and what right do I have to expect anything from someone else. I can expect to do things in my own life to bring about the kind of results I can embrace, but I don’t feel I have a right to expect the same in return. I can only hope that the good I do for others will make me feel good about what I’ve done.

I have used my own expectations to create the kind of life I wanted. My expectation for a better life created the picture of the end result, but it was hope that put the work I needed to do into action so I could accomplish what my expectation desired.

The value of expectation comes from the hope we place in it turning the end result of our expectation into a process of our own creation. Because in the end the only part of the expectation we have control over is the part we play in it.

Reflection: I’m grateful to have a better grip on expectations that gives it a better sense of value for me that I can embrace.